chee-wee tan is a professor at the department of digitalization in copenhagen business school (cbs), an honorary professor of business analytics and digitalization at the nottingham university business school china in the university of nottingham ningbo china (unnc), an adjunct professor at the school of business in monash university, a distinguished research scholar at the faculty of business in lingnan university (lnu), a guest professor at the school of management in the university of science and technology of china (ustc), and a visiting professorial fellow at the school of information systems and technology management in university of new south wales (unsw). he received his ph.d. in management information systems from the university of british columbia. his research interests focus on design and innovation issues related to digital services. his work has been published in leading peer-reviewed journals such as mis quarterly (misq), journal of operations management (jom), information systems research (isr), journal of management information systems (jmis), journal of the association for information systems (jais), european journal of information systems (ejis), and decision support systems (dss), among others. apart from his current appointment as a senior editor for misq, chee-wee has served or is currently serving on the editorial boards for acm distributed ledger technologies: research and practice (dlt), dss, ejis, industrial management & data systems (imds), ieee transactions on engineering management (ieee-tem), information & management (i&m), information systems journal (isj), internet research (intr), journal for the association of information systems (jais), journal of computer information systems (jcis), journal of management analytics (jma), and jmis. finally, chee-wee is the co-director of the joint research center between cbs and the antai college of economics and management (acem) in shanghai jiao tong university (sjtu) as well as the vice president of publications for the association for information systems (ais).